Sunday, August 17, 2008

Good Berries vs. Bad Berries. Or How to Make Jam Without Killing Your Family?

Okay... last weekend we made over 20 jars of Apricot Jam. Today, we made 3 1/2 jars of Black Currant Jam. So, we're obviously in the midst of a preserving blitz at the Whitney Homestead.

Right now, I've got my eye on some ripe looking red berries in our yard, but I can't tell if they are good berries or bad berries. All I remember about identifying poisonous berries is "If the leaf points up... berries are fine. If the leaf points down... beware." Or, was is "Leaves of three... let it be."???? I don't remember.

Today I googled the net trying my best to identify our mystery berries and I'm completely stumped. All I know is that the berry is VERY tart and has a little pit (or is the correct word "pith") inside. Not wanting to waste my time cooking toxic jam... I need to resolve this matter ASAP. If anyone can identify this plant... I'd be most appreciative.