Monday, July 26, 2010

Summertime is... Cousintime

After our trip to Las Vegas, Carolynn and the boys (Edan & Ehman) followed us back to Logan for the week.

The cousins all had a really fun week of doing what boys like to do best: PLAY, EAT, & PLAY SOME MORE.

The were on the Wii game system non-stop. They watched silly movies on the computers in the school room. They played Mega Monopoly. Threw around a football in the back yard. And read a lot of Fox Trot comic books.

One day, we took them over to the Logan Aquatic Center, where they had fun swimming and going down the water slides.

One night, we had a big campfire in the backyard and they all sat around roasting those mega marshmallows. Very sticky! But, very yummy.

Another day, Carolynn and I got them all out walking along the Logan River. It is our most favorite place to walk and take in the wonderful sounds of the river running. After these walks, Carolynn and I are always recharged. I think the boys did too!

Best of all... all the cousins had fun skipping stones in the water. An age-old boy past time, that never seems to go out of style.

Another night, we all attended a nice Shabbat Potluck dinner at the Gellers. All the boys enjoyed playing with the other kids, and having another audience to dazzle with their magic tricks.

Probably the best day for the kids was the trip down to Layton. We went to a place called "Boondocks" with our synagogue's Youth Group. For four hours... the kids all played Laser Tag, rode Go-Karts, drove bumper boats, and played video games (which resulted in tons of reward tickets). Luckily, I only was only responsible for transporting there, Gary, our Youth Group Leader, stayed to play. So, my afternoon was spent surfing the web at Starbucks.

Not all of our visiting time was "play". We put poor Edan to work twice while he was here. One day he came with us to Ogden to help excavate the front yard of our synagogue (as part of Joshua's Eagle Project).

Another day, he worked with our scout troop to serve breakfast to 400 people at the Lions Club Pancake Breakfast on Pioneer Day. Lucky for us, Edan has a good work ethic and never has any problem with lending a hand.

All in all... it was a great week. All the boys got along real well and had a great time together. How fortunate that they area all so close in age and have the opportunity to hang out with each for a week or so each summer.