Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dachshund Outhouse

Now that the weather is getting cooler... we had to come up with a place for Coco and Max to do their "business" without getting rained on or snowed on. So, Devon and the boys got to work building a little puppy port-o-pottie. It's located right by the backdoor, so the dogs don't even have to get their little tootsies wet when they need to go out.
Of course, neither Coco or Max wants to use it. They'd much rather leave us "presents" in the warmth and comfort of our living room. Why go out in the cold when there is a perfectly good carpet to pee on! It's a battle every day. But I am determined to win this one.

In the meantime, don't these two spoiled pooches have a look on their faces that says, "You really expect us to use THAT thing? Forget about it!"