Monday, January 18, 2010

National Guard - Field Trip

Boy Scouts from Troop 1, as well as scouts from the Cache Valley Home Schoolers, were treated to a tour of the Logan National Guard yesterday. The tour was conducted by Sgt. Josh May, full-time National Guard member and home school dad.

Scouts climb aboard a military transport vehicle.

The primary goal of the tour was to learn how the National Guard serves in our community, nationally, and abroad. Several of the scouts in attendance are currently working on the “Citizenship in the Nation” merit badge.

The scouts learned how the National Guard differs from both the U.S. Armed Forces and the Utah State Militia. In addition, the scouts learned that the Logan National Guard is a “linguist unit”, meaning that many of the members can speak a foreign language: Arabic, French, Korean, Spanish, etc. Because of this unique skill, French speaking Guard members may soon be asked to go to Haiti and help out in rescue efforts of last week’s earthquake.

As part of the presentation, Sgt. May gave a moving lesson on how the National Guard participates in funeral honors at military funerals. It was impressive to see how much respect, timing, and precision goes into the flag ceremony at a funeral.

Sgt. May and his son & nephew

demonstrate how to fold the flag correctly.

Sgt. May is spent a good deal of time talking to the boys about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He admitted that when he joined the Guard and was required to swear an oath to defend the Constitution, it prompted him to really learn this document. He now carries a pocket guide to the Constitution with him as part of his “uniform”.

Sgt. May encouraged all the scouts to get their Eagle, especially if they want to serve in the military one day. Apparently, Eagle Scouts who enlist in the U.S. Armed Forces may receive advanced rank in the recognition of their achievements.

As part of their tour of the Armory, the scouts got to check out: military vehicles, helmets, body armor, chemical masks, and weapons.

David trys on a chemical mask.
He kind of looks like a character from Star Trek.

Joshua dons a military helmet

and smiles for the camera.

Trying on all the gear that our troops must wear into battle, made the boys and parents realize what a heavy load our soldiers carry, especially in the desert where it can be over 100 degrees in the shade.

Troop 1 scouts volunteers to model body armor

& other military gear. It was very heavy!

Joshua checks out an M-16 rifle.

A highlight of the presentation, was all the personal experiences Sgt. May related to our group. He talked about his deployment in New Orleans (in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina), and also in Iraq. Hearing his stories helped the boys really understand what it’s like to be in the military.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

The 2010 New Year was off to a good start with a great family dinner! Brandi, Nate, and Ava, were up visiting. As a treat, Devon (our resident chef) spent the whole afternoon of New Year's Eve day... cooking a Prime Rib. WOW. Was it good!

The day before, Devon and Brandi spent the day in the kitchen "test driving" the new/old cookbook that Devon bought Brandi for Christmas. It was the very same book that his dad bought for him, when he was just starting out on his own... 20 years ago.

It took the father/daughter chefs a very long time to prepare this Chinese Feast, but everyone agreed that it was well worth the wait.

Everyone tucks into a fantastic meal.

To earn his supper... Joshua consented to hold Ava.
Just for a second! She found Uncle Josh hysterical.
Maybe it was the Mario t-shirt.

No winter trip to Logan is quite complete without an afternoon of sledding. So everyone bundled up to ward off the cold and headed to the hills for this snowy event.

Uncle David & Ava ready to go sledding!!!

Nate and Devon all bundled up.

Despite being a Flagstaff resident now,
Brandi still found Logan pretty chilly.

David dragging Ava around in our sled.

Ava is not quite sure about this.

Of course, yours truly stayed home. With my history of tailbone and/or back injuries, sledding is no longer on my list of "fun things to do". So, in my opinion, if you "can't join them", the least you can do is stay home and read a good book. Which is exactly what I did.

After the troops arrived, little Ava hopped up on my lap to get warm. It was long before she was in la la land. This is what happens when you rock a toddler by the fire.

Me and one conked out toddler.
Coco is not too far away... keeping toasty warm by the fire.
She chose to pass on sledding too!

The rest of our visit with Brandi, Nate, & Ava was spent playing cards, board games, watching movies, and eating! We all dedicated a lot of time to keeping Ava amused. I think we had every single music-like instrument in the living room. The best "toy" by far was the tiny musical piano we have. Kept her smiling for hours.

Grampa Devon and Ava.

Brandi, Ava, & Devon.
Brandi is expecting baby number 2 in April. It's a boy!

Ava ready to head back to Phoenix.
"C'mon, let's get this show on the road!