Saturday, August 1, 2009


Okay... I am finally ready to admit defeat!

I pulled out my prayer shawl today, the one I worked on for days, and decided "I just don't like it!" I think that the purple I chose is just too dark. It makes me go "Yuck!!!".

(Just in case anyone is wondering what those Hebrew letters say? It is the Sh'ma (the central prayer in Judaism. )

So off I went to the store to see about purchasing additional supplies. While I still want my prayer shawl to be purple, I decided that a light purple/violet/lavender is more of what I am looking for.

So instead of going to Joanne's (despite my 40% coupon) I headed up to Hobby Lobby (what a name) to see if they had different ribbons to choose from. They had a ton. In addition, they also had some really nice satin fabric ... that is light purple... on sale for $2.99 a yard.

My good sport husband, patiently hung out while I matched a million different types of ribbon to get just the look I wanted. (I told him that the way he was feeling, was exactly the way I feel when he is looking in the plumbing section at Home Depot.) $15.00 later, we were checking out of the store with a whole new look.

Here is how I am envisioning my new prayer shawl (of course I am not sure what to do about the neck piece... so ignore that for now):

Here's a closer look.

And, an even closer.

So now, I am at a crossroads. I have to decide if I should take another stab at sewing my Prayer Shawl (rev. 1.01), or do I take my sister up on her sincere and generous offer of help?
Since, as my dear friend Sue fondly says, "You have the artistic vision of Monet, but the technical skills of a pre-schooler", I am going to ask Terry for help.
Instead of making myself nuts with this, I am going to acknowledge how very lucky I am that I have a big sister thatis a sewing whiz... and is willing to help me. (To see any of Terry's sewing creations... visit
So, come Monday morning, I am going to package up all this stuff up and ship it down to Phoenix. Then, once that is done, I can get back to the other stresses of Bar Mitzvah Planning... like trying to learn my Torah Portion. Or trying to figure out where to bulk order 50 yalmukes when you live in Utah. Ai Yi Yi.