Monday, August 16, 2010

Joshua's Eagle Scout Project - Part 6

Final Excavation - August 16th

Now that the bricks are in place, we needed to finish up the area where we the decorative rock is to be installed.  So the next team of workers arrived:  Joshua, Cameron, David, & Cole.

Due to a mis-read email, poor Cole arrived three hours prior to when we began work.  Since his mom dropped him off on her way to Salt Lake City, Cole was left to wander the streets of Ogden until we arrived.  Luckily, the public library was nearby.  So Cole, stashed his shovel behind bushes... and went on a 3 hour walk-about.

When we finally arrived at noon... the first order of business was lunch.  Everyone was already famished.  While we were making sandwiches in the parking lot, we were approached by a homeless guy who was hungry too.  So, we made him a sandwich too!

Our work went pretty quick.  All we needed to do was dig out enough dirt so that the rocks would be below the level of the sidewalk.

Areas for the decorative rock are now are now dug out.

We dug out all the weeds and garbage in the back corner.

TO BE CONTINUED... (Eagle Scout Project Part #7)