Monday, June 30, 2008

Front Garden Update

Well, we've finally got the garden up and going again. The front yard looks pretty nice, except for the dead lawn(but we're working on that with our new sprinkler). It' sure it a challenge to water such a big lawn with just a hose! Kind of miss that undergrown sprinkler system we installed in the house back in Tempe.

Okay, so the tulips & daffodils all died. So, I had to put in some more plants to add some color. It was looking pretty drab. Not knowing what on earth to grow, I just picked plants that were purple and didn't cost too much money. I would list them out but the tags all blew away. The only ones I remember for sure were: Pansies, Verbena, Salvia, and Delfinium (or was it Digitalis??? It's the blue one by the rosebush).
So far, everything seems to be surviving.
I also found a bunch of Iris growing in the backyard, hidden underneath a maple tree that Devon wanted to kill (but I wouldn't let him). Since I knew nobody would ever see them back there, I transplanted them out front. Some survived... some didn't. One of the Iris' in particular was so pretty when it bloomed (purple and yellow). Quite spectacular.
Now that my mystery rose is blooming, my garden is looking quite lovely. In case you are wondering what's in the weathered grow box (sitting on the porch), well those are Impatiens. I don't know if they were the best choice... since they are taking forever to grow. But then again, maybe they are are lesson for me to not be too "imapatient" with them.