Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Okay... my wiggly worm days have come to an end! Today my first (grown-from-seed) flower bloomed. I am the proud parent of a blooming Marigold. I'm so excited!!!

Yesterday, I had a long talk on the phone with Sandy (my gardening coach/psychotherapist). She tried to cheer me up out of my "blueness", by giving me some suggestions for what's going on in my garden. Or, more aptly, what's not going on in my garden.

Sandy has suggested that I get in touch with someone at the university and see if we can get a sample of our soil tested. I will be doing that on Friday. Sandy also suggested that I get out there and FERTILIZE, FERTILIZE, FERTILIZE. That is on the agenda for tomorrow, along with transplanting my 50 feet tall non-blooming cosmos! That will get rid of the forest-like effect they are having in the garden and stop the Green Giant from playing hide-and-seek in my backyard!

We also talked about the impatiens... that I have lost my patience with. It seems that this plant can be pretty picky about where it calls home. Which is probably why it's doing so well in the grow box out front. That litte sun worshipper is probably not liking the cool shade of all those maple trees. I am going to think about whether they should be transplanted too. If I go that route, Sandy has made some good suggestions for shade loving replacements.

Needless to say... I at least feel vindicated as a human being that I have finally had SOMETHING... ANYTHING bloom. (The veggies didn't count because those are Devon's babies.) I was really beginning to feel like I should just crawl under a rock, admit defeat, and close down my blog. But, now I'm strutting my stuff all over the house with pride. It's nice to feel like Mother Nature.