Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Flowers are a blooming

So while the boys were busy digging my lavender trench, I was busy surveying my flower garden. After pulling out some weeds (well actually, tons), I discovered that I've got a whole bunch of blooming going on.

The daffodils are just bursting with color. Lovely! And, much to my delight, I was able to "tiptoe through the tulips". Yes, it is time for me to stop bad-mouthing the local deer. Instead of eating my tulips, it looks like all they did was eat the outer leaves. Which means that within the next few days... I will have tulips blooming in my own front yard. Hurray!

I also noticed that there are plants starting to bloom that I don't even recall planting. David is convinced that they are something we tried to grow from seed in our indoor grow boxes last year.

He could be right. So that is why this blog may come in handy afterall. Now I can go back through old posts and see if I can figure out what these mystery plants are. I hope they are not just weeds.

Mystery Plant #1

Mystery Plant #2