Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Bar Mitzvah Week... Begins

The week of preparing for Joshua's bar mitzvah, began on Tuesday with a drive to the Salt Lake Airport.

Gail & Josh Lentz, were the first guests to arrive. However to call them guests is a misnomer. Instead, their arrival was like the calvary coming in to save the day!

Gail and Josh came early to help and help they did! Everything from cooking, cleaning, sewing, making beds, and yard work. No taste was too big or too small.

In addition to being our little bar mitzvah angels... we just had such a wonderful time visiting with them.

So that their trip wouldn't be all work and no play... we tried to fit some fun outings into the schedule.

On the first night of their arrival, they came with us to Scouts. I had to sit on Board of Reviews that night, so being a fellow "scout mom" Gail agreed to come along and help. Meanwhile, Josh donned his class A unform (from Troop #653 in Mesa, AZ... Joshua's old scout troop) and attended the scout meeting with the boys.

At the end of the evening, our scoutmaster, Tom Hogan, was so impressed with Josh, that he made him an honorary member of Troop 1.

Here the boys are posing in the sanctuary of the First Presbyterian Church, where they meet for scouts each week.

The following day, after a morning of baking a gazillion Snickerdoodle Cookies, we took Gail & Josh on a tour of Logan. First stop was the Historic Court House on Main St.

The boys had fun pretending to be city council members.

Inside the courthouse, the boys discovered an old safe. David and Josh took the opportunity to practice closing the doors slowly... as a way to practice closing the doors of the Ark and the synagogue this Saturday.

As our tour of Logan continued, we began to visit the food sites that this area is famous for. First up was a trip to Gossners, which is a hit with anyone that loves cheese. As you walk in the front doors of the factory/gift shop, there are dozens of samples to taste. Yum.

Then we headed over to Utah State University for some "Aggie Ice Cream". Being an agricultural college, a trip to this ice cream parlor is an absolute must. Everyone agreed is was the best ice cream we'd ever eaten.

Back at home, the boys resumed their weeklong passion of kicking back and playing video games. I am so happy that we keep then Nintendo Wii down in the basement... so we didn't have to hear all that racket.