Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday Hike

One of the reasons we moved to Logan, UT, was the appeal of living 1o minutes away from "God's Country".

To me, there is no place more spectacular than the Logan Canyon area. I think it beats Yellowstone hands down... and everyone knows how beautiful that area of the country is.

So, we all thought a hike in the canyon would be a great way to end our weekend.

Unfortunately, we couldn't talk ANY of the kids into coming, so intead it was just the six of us: Janet, Eden, Aram, Molly, Gail, & I. We decided to bring my dogs (Coco & Max) too.

We had the best weather for our hike. It was slightly overcast, but not threatening rain, which is perfect weather for walking.

We decided to do the three mile loop "River Trail".

At some point, we fell into different groups, based upon on hiking speed.

Aram & Molly had an abundance of energy and decided to do an additional three mile uphill hike to a canyon lookout. During this part of the hike, Aram had an awesome experience that sent him back to Chicago revitalized.

One week later... Aram is now pursuing entirely new passions, which includes enrolling in Culinary School. We are all very excited for him. He starts school in two weeks!