Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 10: Brown Sea Island

David Beeching:
Troop 1 have successfully made it to Brownsea, bravely chauffered by Mark "the bus driver" and Jason "keep on the left!!" Grimes. Hope you all have a great time. See you tomorrow. DB.

Mark Silvester:
Brownsea. The home of scouts. what a magical and peaceful place.

This is our boy's performing for a rather large Troop from Scotland. This went on for quite some time. You should hear those girls impression of American cheerleaders LOL!!!!!

Learning how to play American football, these Brit's soon ended up schooling our boy's at rugby.

All the boys at the Baden Powell Camp - founding stone.

Troop 1 entertaining Scottish Girl Scouts.

Looks like the Girl Scouts & Boys Scouts had a grand time.  Look at Joshua in the back whooping it up!

Looks like rugby is appealing to both sexes.